Daily Crossword

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Daily Crossword is a fun puzzle game by Arkadium, inspired by crossword puzzles of the newspaper. It brings fresh crossword puzzles for the users every day. Daily Crossword is all about general knowledge, word skills and logical skills that sharpen the mind of the player. The three key benefits of playing Daily Crossword include enhancement of memory, improvement in vocabulary and mood boost. While playing Daily Crossword, you sharpen your mind by giving it a mental workout and also improves your overall knowledge. Further, if you are able to solve Daily Crossword, the sense of accomplishment will boost your mind.

How to Play the Daily Crossword?

When you hit the play button, a screen appears that shows the different dates and the player needs to select a puzzle from the list. Daily Crossword launches one new puzzle every day and therefore, the puzzles are categorized on the basis of dates only. After you select the date, the puzzle screen will appear on the screen. The words are to be filled only horizontally and vertically in Daily Crossword. Most of the customization options are available in the menu section, where the player can toggle on and off the following options: show errors, skip filled cells, arrows change direction and showtime. The show errors options will indicate the cells where an incorrect letter is played. The skip-filled cells options will jump over the filled cells when you are typing. The arrows change direction feature when turned on will change the direction of the arrow keys before moving input. The show time option when toggled on will show the time required to complete the Daily Crossword.

In addition to this, additional features are also present in Daily Crossword. Firstly, the reveal option can be used to see a letter, word or the complete solution to the puzzle. The print option available in Daily Crossword allows the users to print the puzzle on a piece of paper to help them play in an old-fashioned way. The save option saves the progress of the game. The puzzle information section of Daily Crossword shows the following information about the puzzle: author, editor, date and source of this puzzle. The reset puzzle option clears all the answers to the puzzle and restarts the timer. The exit option exits the game and refreshes the page.


Daily Crossword is designed, developed and maintained by Arkadium.


Daily Crossword can be played on a web browser.


The player needs to use the mouse to choose a word from the across and down section and use the keyboard to type the words.


  • Plenty of customization option available
  • The rebus mode allows the player to enter multiple letters in one cell
  • Allows the users to print the crossword


How to use the reveal option in Daily Crossword?

The reveal option is available both in the menu section and the lower left bottom of the screen in Daily Crossword. When you tap on it, three options are visible: Solve Puzzle, Reveal Word and Reveal Letter. You can choose your preferred option. If you want to reveal a letter or word, you will need to select the hint option connected to that word from the left section of the screen. If you tap on Solve Puzzle, the puzzle will be solved and the player is provided with the following stats: time, without help and score. If you want to save your score in Daily Crossword, you will have to log in.

What is the best way to gain knowledge from Daily Crossword?

After the entire puzzle is solved, it is advisable that the player matches the hints with the revealed words to gain knowledge. If you do not look back at the answers which you couldn’t give, you won’t gain any knowledge. Therefore, always look at the answers to the hints that you couldn’t solve.

Is it mandatory to play the puzzle published on the latest date?

No, the player can select a puzzle from any date to play. Puzzles from the last 14 days are available in Daily Crossword.

What are the printing options available in Daily Crossword?

The player can decide to print the blank puzzle or the puzzle with entries and with solutions.